
Many Ways to Donate Funds

  1. Click the “Donate” button above to pay with PayPal or your credit card.
    • PayPal is a secure, easy credit card processing vehicle to ensure your personal info is safe. All funds go directly into our Operation Food Basket bank account. You may print a receipt for tax purposes. You don’t have to have a PayPal account to donate.
  2. To donate by check
    • Make it out to “House of Mercy DBA Operation Food Basket” and mail to: Operation Food Basket, P.O. Box 443, Macedon, NY, 14502
  3. Xerox employees can get their donation matched!
  4. If you are currently taking required minimum distributions (RMDs)
    • You can contribute directly to Operation Food Basket (OFB) and make it qualified charitable distribution (QCD).  The benefit of the QCD is that it is excluded from your taxable income.  
    • RMDs taken as income as opposed to a QCD will count as taxable income.
    • In order to contribute to OFB as a QCD, funds must be transferred directly from your IRA custodian to OFB. This is accomplished by requesting your IRA custodian to issue a check from your IRA payable to “House of Mercy DBA Operation Food Basket“. You can then request that the check be mailed to OFB directly, or forward the check to OFB yourself.   The OFB address is Operation Food Basket, P.O. Box 443, Macedon, NY, 14502

How to Contact Operation Food Basket

To volunteer to work on the campaign:

Click on our Volunteer page. A description of each “job” is posted.

To be considered as a Food Basket recipient

To be considered as a Food Basket recipient, contact one of the following agencies and request to be evaluated for need. Please note that participation is limited by the donated funds available to provide food.

The families who receive the food are selected by four charitable agencies:

The House of Mercy
285 Ormond St. Rochester, New York 14605
Contact: Dr Tammy Butler
Phone: 585-546-2580

Community Place of Greater Rochester
57 Central Park Rochester, New York
Contact: Carmen A. Carrasquillo, MPA, CPP
Phone: 585-327-7200

Palmyra Food Pantry
120 E. Main St. Palmyra, NY
Phone: (315) 926-1163

Family Promise of greater Rochester (FPGROC)
142 Webster Avenue Rochester, NY 14609
Phone: 585-506-9050

Chat with an Operation Food Basket Team Member on how you can get involved

Maurina Schmidt
Phone: 585-455-3242

Gary Mroczek
Phone: 585-319-1396

Bernie Durman
Phone: 585-423-5064